In this article I will give you some information on how to improve your online privacy. We all know what privacy means in our daily lives. Today, most of us have a sense of privacy – sometimes subjective – but we are very aware when our privacy has been violated. Privacy can be defined as the freedom to be seen or to receive public attention, or as a person’s ability to isolate himself or herself and protect his or her information.
How to improve online privacy
This definition could easily be applied to the online world, but many of us do not have the same innate sense of privacy online as in real life. Maybe that’s what we’re becoming as a species. Yes, when it comes to online privacy we can use common sense, but there is much to learn to understand and navigate the intricacies and dangers of the online world.
However, the difference between real life and the online world is that in the online world we literally have to enter certain information in order to function. It’s just the way the internet works, the way every application, every website, every social media platform we use, needs information to be useful to us in some way.
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Tips for improving online privacy protection
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Data protection on the Internet
While it is indeed useful for us to offer our information online to search the vast and beautiful space known as the Internet, our online behavior and preferences are also tracked on almost every site or platform we visit. Companies and large corporations such as Facebook and Amazon are known to follow user behavior in order to collect more and more data. The internet is data-driven, so sell personalized data! In the age of the Internet, the collection of data about former users has been developed to improve the user experience. Today, user data is probably most often used to sell targeted advertising, to the point that it becomes frightening, and to keep governments informed.
It is not illegal for websites to collect data about you and your behavior when you visit or use their platforms. Even the sale of this information to third parties is common practice, although recently there have been discussions about accepting this information. However, we don’t even think about clicking the I accept the terms and conditions button without even looking at it. In fact, we largely waive our privacy rights when we register as a user on many websites.
So, what’s privacy on the Internet? This is the right to keep confidential data and information obtained through the use of the Internet. Nobody likes their secret information to be misused. Leaving a digital footprint is inevitable. However, we need to know how to maintain online privacy so that our sensitive and valuable information is not compromised. Here are some tips to improve online privacy.
Social Media and Dating Applications – Privacy
Chances are you have at least one social media account that you use in one form or another, even if you’re just lurking around and don’t have much post or interaction. However, this becomes even more relevant if you are an active user who regularly posts messages and communicates with you. Even if you post almost nothing, you still enter a lot of information about yourself when you create a social media account. On many social media sites, much of the content is visible to the general public – even to people without an account who visit the platform via external links. Check your privacy settings and make sure you know exactly who you share your content and information with, for example. B. Photos and logins, sharing. If possible, make sure that those who send you a request or who you meet are who they say they are. Find them on Nuwber using all the information you know about them to make sure they are legitimate and not catfish.
Dating application
Use secure messaging platforms
Today, end-to-end encryption is essential for messaging. We are so used to conducting business conversations face to face, online, directly with a person or in group conversations. It goes without saying that our confidential personal or company information is put online in this way. However, make sure you use a messaging application that uses end-to-end encryption – such as WhatsApp or Telegram – for extra security and privacy.
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Tips for improving online privacy protection
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Message application
Keep your information out of public storage
It’s easier to feel private when using social media, with the added security of knowing who you’re sharing information with, depending on your privacy settings and the friends you’ve added or blocked on your friends lists. But there is also a danger in the illusion of isolation. Although we do not technically share our information with our friends, you should not use online services designed for sharing information, such as B. Google Drive to store your personal information. Keep your passwords away from documents stored in iCloud and don’t leave scans of documents such as your driver’s license or passport in the dropbox, which are vulnerable to hackers.
Secure your accounts, phone, tablet and laptop with strong passwords
Even if you choose to store sensitive information and documents on cloud-based online storage platforms, your data isn’t completely secure, even if it’s stored on your device. Password protect all your devices – the stronger, the better.
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Tips for improving online privacy protection
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Strong password
Use a combination of upper and lower case letters mixed with a symbol and numeric characters for invoices. Your devices do not need such complex passwords, but they must be unique. Use a six-digit PIN code instead of a locking pattern for your smartphone and be aware of the limitations of fingerprint and face release methods. Hackers can access your data on the Internet from the other side of the world. It is therefore important to have strong passwords for all your accounts. But someone could access your data by turning their back on you, browsing your device, unlocking it and finding out what they want.
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